Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 8... Our Alaskian Hwy Safari

Today, June 25th felt like a safari ride through the Northern Rockies. We saw soooo much wildlife it was amazing. Our Day started with a Black bear sighting along the highway. We then crossed upon a Caribou crossing the highway. A couple of deer crossed our path (literally!) Then we spotted a moose swimming in a small pond. I think that picture was posted on Day 7. Upon reaching the highest levels of the Northern Rocky Mtns we saw several mountain goats (pics posted on day 7 as well). They were amazing as they were literally standing on the sheer edge of a cliff. After lunch we started all the Bison Buffalo sightenings. In total we probally saw about 50 all afternoon. We were driving down the highway and there were 2 buffalo just laying on the edge of the pavement on the road chillin watching the cars go by, it was surreal! Then we ended our safari with the sighting of a freshly run-over very LARGE Black bear! Talk about a packed day of wildlife sightings! And what was so sad is Joshua barely saw any of it because his attention was strongly on his new favorite Bob the Builder movie! Aw the life of a 4 yr old! (To his credit though he is an amazing traveler.... especially for being 4yrs old) So tonight we are resting at our first alaskan small town hotel. It is called The Air Force Lodge. It has about 14 rooms with shared bathrooms/showers at the end of the hall. They have a huge dining room table w/ common area in the entry. They require you to take off your shoes when you enter the house. The owner has a very strong German accent so I think they are from Europe and this lodge defiantly reminds me of a traditional european B&B. Josh & I are truly enjoying it but I think Grandpa was a little shocked when we told him how things went. You have to take your shoes off, share the shower/toilet room, and so forth. We will see in the morning how he liked it/ or didn't like it. :) Well finish checking out the pictures and we will try to post again tomorrow. Love to all 3J's & Grandpa:) P.S. We are in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada only 897 miles to go!!!! YEA:)


Unknown said...

Gorgeous pictures, jeesh. I'm a little jealous especially considering the 110+ temperatures here!

Brooke said...

Wow, that is really pretty! And wild, too!! Can't wait to hear all about where you are temporarily settled! Keep the posts coming!

beBOLDjen said...

HI there. I'm hoping you're alive at this point sincw there's been no news;)I'm beginning to wonder if you were attacked by a bear or something........

Hope all is going well and your quest to find a place to live has been successful!