Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 5: Glad to be done.

Day 5 is complete and I am so thankful for that. I have to be honest it was not one of my finest hours yesterday. Let's just say the word FRUSTRATION and that would describe it best. Josh and I have been doing all the driving. Joshua is doing GREAT and mommy totally lost it yesterday. We completed not quite 400 miles and that was part of the reason. We are only 80 miles south of Dawson Creek the start of the Alaskan Hwy and yesterdays driving was a taste of what it will be like. Lots of bumps, 2 lane roadway, and crazy drivers trying to pass in unsafe conditions. Needless to say we made it to Grande Praire, were we planned to stay. Today we are going to drive to Dawson Creek and spend the day there, sightseeing and getting lots of pictures of the start of the Alaskan Hwy. I am thankful for that. From this point on we plan on only driving between 200-250 miles per day. We are 1800 miles into our trip so just 1500 more to go. Hopefully that will put us into Fairbanks sometime on Sun/Mon as originally planned. Thank you to all that have been praying for us, we truly are feeling your prayers and THANK YOU. We also had our first mechanical breakdown yesterday. In pouring rain my windshield wiper on my side decided to flip totally upside down and stop working. Check out Josh's repair job. My father-in-law is so funny, If you have seen the movie "My big fat Greek Wedding" you will relate to how the father in the movie thinks Windex in the cure-all for everything. Well grandpa thinks duct-tape is the cure-all. I once saw him wrap a paper towel around a cut and tape it with duct-tape. Talk about the die-hard duct-tape man. Well when the windshield wiper broke.... what fixed it.... good - old duct tape. Thanks Grandpa it worked like a charm. Much Love 3 J's & Grandpa:)


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for safe travel so far! You are now becoming true Alaskans! Wasilla AK earned the title of the Duct Tape capitol of the world in either 04 or 05. That is no joke. Now you just need a blue tarp on that trailer and you will have arrived! Hang in there. The road will have rough spots but you will enjoy the scenery. On cloudy days there is a better chance to see animals. Jesus said, "I will never leave you or forsake you." He is your constant companion and advocate. Keep those pictures coming! It is stupid hot here. From Laura

Unknown said...

Glad that your trip is still going strong! Hey, I invented duct tape! You pay me now! Again, those pictures are beautiful; looking forward to seeing more.
